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Bartholomew County Court Records

Bartholomew County court records refer to official documents and files generated during case trials within the county circuit and superior courts. Records may contain:

  • Case details
  • Court proceedings
  • Legal documents such as Petitions, motions, complaints, and pleadings
  • Case depositions
  • Witness testimony
  • Attorney information
  • Court costs and fees
  • Judgments and Orders
  • Sentencing
  • Appeals.

Bartholomew County court records are vital in the state and local government justice system. They help ensure transparency and accountability in the Judicial process and allow for equity and fairness in the legal trial system. In addition, court records document legal prosecutions and can serve as precedent for future judgments.

Are Court Records Public in Bartholomew County?

Bartholomew County court records are public. Per Indiana Code § 5-14-3-1 et seq., members of the public may view or access government records in the possession of a city or county agency. However, certain Bartholomew County court records are exempt from public disclosure. For instance, IN Code § 5-14-3-4 exempts the following court records from public access:

  • Medical Records
  • Records protected by state or federal laws
  • Adoption Records
  • Confidential information such as Social Security Number and financial account numbers
  • Juvenile Records.

Bartholomew County Court Records Search

Bartholomew County court records are accessible online and offline. To search for Bartholomew County court records, requesters may need to visit online portals and use available tools. Requesters can also access records through phone calls, emails, mail, or in-person visits to the records custodians. Also, some Bartholomew County court records may be available through the Indiana State Archives or third-party online databases.

Bartholomew County Court Records Search by Name

A name-based search for Bartholomew County court records involves using a records owner's name as the search criteria when searching for records. To perform a name-based search for Bartholomew County court records, log in to the record’s repository website, locate the records section, and select the Name option as the search criteria. If the records search is through the offline option, include the name of the records owner when filling out the request form to ease the search process.

Irrespective of the search method, accessing Bartholomew County court records may involve fee payments to offset the cost of searching and making copies. Some online websites may also require requesters to register to access their databases. Requesters may also need to provide valid IDs to access certain Bartholomew County court records.

Bartholomew County Courts

The Bartholomew County court structure comprises the county circuit and superior courts. The Bartholomew County Circuit Court has general jurisdiction over trial civil and criminal matters and handles cases beyond the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts. In Bartholomew County, the Superior Courts oversee felony and misdemeanor, general civil claims, small claims disputes, juvenile, mental health, and probate cases.

The list below outlines the various Bartholomew County courts and their contact information:

Bartholomew County Circuit Court
Bartholomew County Circuit Court
234 Washington Street, Room 105, Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: (812) 379-1600, (812) 379-1605
Fax: (813) 379-1675

Superior Courts in Bartholomew County
Bartholomew County Superior Court 1
234 Washington Street, Room 302, Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: (812) 379-1623
Fax: (812) 379-1628

Bartholomew County Superior Court 2
234 Washington Street, Room 302, Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: (812) 379-1610
Fax: (812) 379-1575

Bartholomew County District Court Records

Bartholomew County Court records refer to files and documents relating to legal prosecutions within the county's District Court. Under the Indiana Court system, the Circuit Court handles cases under the district court in other U.S. states.

Bartholomew County district court records encompass documents generated during the adjudication of but are not limited to:

  • Misdemeanor Criminal Cases
  • Traffic violations
  • Small Claims
  • Landlord-tenant Disputes
  • Civil Lawsuits
  • Family Law Matters
  • Probate Cases.

In Bartholomew County, the Circuit Court Clerk's Office is the custodian of court records. To access Bartholomew County district court records:

  • Visit the Indiana Judicial Branch website
  • Click the Search link to access the Mycase Search Odyssey Courts search portal
  • Provide the Name of the owner of the records, Case Number, or Attorney
  • From the drop menu, select Bartholomew County
  • Indicate the type of court records (criminal & Citations, Civil, Family, or Probate), and click Search.

Requesters can also search for Bartholomew County district court records through the county’s archives. Log in to the Bartholomew County Archives page, select the type of district court records from the All Categories drop menu, and search for records by name.

Bartholomew County Criminal Records

Bartholomew County criminal records are documents relating to individuals' crime activities and criminal prosecutions within Bartholomew County. Such records are maintained by the Sheriff's Office, the Indiana State Police, and the County Clerk's Office. While criminal records are generally public in Indiana, some records may have redacted information. For instance, criminal records of minors or ongoing law enforcement investigations are not accessible to the public.

Bartholomew County arrest records and other pre-trial crime records are available through the county's Sheriff's Office, local law enforcement agencies, and the Indiana Department of Correction.

Residents can access Bartholomew's arrest records and other pre-conviction criminal records by calling the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Office at (812) 379-1750 or logging in to the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Office Contact Us page and leaving a message. Requesters can also visit the Indiana Department of Corrections Incarcerated Search page and use inmates’ names to look up criminal records.

Bartholomew County Criminal Court Case Lookup

There are several options for looking up Bartholomew County criminal records. Some of these include:

Indiana Judicial Branch

Bartholomew County criminal records are accessible through the Indiana Judicial Branch's mycase search portal. Log in to the search page and access criminal and citation records.

The Indiana State Police

  • Log in to the Indiana State Police website
  • Scroll down and click the Limited Criminal History Search link
  • On the resulting page, check the agreement box and click Start Search to access the Indiana State Police Limited Criminal History Request Service login page
  • Create an account using an email address
  • Confirm the account registration through email
  • Login and click Start a New Search to search for records on felonies and class A misdemeanor arrests within Bartholomew County.

The Indiana Department of Correction

Log in to the Indiana Department of Correction Incarcerated Search page and look for information on criminal offenses in Bartholomew County. Also, requesters can write to the Indiana Department of Correction at:

Indiana Department of Correction
302 West Washington Street
IGCS, Room E334
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The Bartholomew County Clerk's Office

For assistance in accessing Bartholomew County's criminal records, call, fax, or write to:

The Bartholomew County Court Clerk's Office
234 Washington Street
P.O. Box: 924
Columbus, IN 47201
Phone: ((812) 379-1600
Fax: (812) 379-1675

Get Bartholomew County Civil Court Records

Bartholomew County civil court records are documents and files on civil adjudications within Bartholomew County. Civil court records encompass documents and files that result from the prosecution of cases such as:

  • Contract Disputes
  • Divorce Proceedings
  • Personal Injury Lawsuits
  • Probate and Estate
  • Torts
  • Family Law
  • Consumer Protection
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Property Disputes.

Typically, civil court records documents contain information on civil complaints, summons, motions, pleadings, settlement agreements, judgments, court orders, and appeals. In Bartholomew County, the Circuit Court handles cases under the Jurisdiction of civil courts in other states, and it is the responsibility of the Court Clerk's Office to maintain civil court records.

To access Bartholomew County civil court records, log in to the Indiana Judicial Branch's Mycase records search portal and use the name of the records owner, case number, or the attorney's name to search for Bartholomew County civil court records. Also, interested persons can contact the Bartholomew County Clerk's Office by phone or fax between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. In addition, requesters can log in to the Circuit Court Clerk's website, click Public Information Request, fill out the page, and submit a request to access civil court records.

Bartholomew County Family Court Records

Bartholomew County family court records refer to documents on family law prosecutions within Bartholomew County. Family Court Records include documents, files, and information relating to the Adjudication of:

  • Adoption cases
  • Divorce
  • Child Custody Orders
  • Domestic Violence Cases
  • Paternity
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Protection Orders.

Family Court records are public. However, certain family court records are accessible to the public, and requesters may need to prove eligibility or show authorization to access them. In addition, due to the sensitive nature of some publicly available Bartholomew County family court records, certain information may be redacted to protect the privacy of the records' owners.

In Bartholomew County, the Circuit Court and the Superior Courts preside over family law cases. To Obtain Bartholomew County family court records, contact the Bartholomew County Clerk's Office by phone, fax, mail, or log in to the County Clerk's Office website and request to access family law records through the online Public Information Request Form.

Bartholomew County family court records promote transparency and accountability of the county's legal system. In addition, family court documentations play a vital role in fair and equitable judgments that protect the rights of vulnerable persons.

Bartholomew Dissolution of Marriage Records

Bartholomew County's dissolution of marriage records are official documents relating to the termination of a marriage in Bartholomew County. Dissolution of marriage records documents includes:

  • Petition for Marriage Dissolution
  • Summons
  • Marriage Settlement Agreement
  • Child Custody and Support Orders (if applicable)
  • Parenting Plans (if applicable)
  • Decree of Dissolution of Marriage.

In Bartholomew County, the Circuit Court and the Superior Courts handle dissolution of marriage cases. To obtain Bartholomew County dissolution of marriage records, depending on the specific court that presided over the dissolution of marriage:

  • Call, fax, or visit the Bartholomew County Superior Court 1 Clerk's Office or the Bartholomew County Circuit Court Clerk's Office
  • Log in to the Bartholomew County Clerk's Office website, download a Public Information Request Form, fill it out, request access to dissolution of marriage records, and submit.

Bartholomew County Marriage and Divorce Records

Bartholomew County marriage records are official documents relating to the union of individuals as legal couples, while divorce records are official documents relating to the termination of marriages.

Typically, Bartholomew County marriage and divorce records are publicly accessible. However, there may be restrictions on certain information. For instance, there may be a redaction of personal account information, Social Security Number, or records of confidential proceedings.

In Bartholomew County, the County Clerk is the custodian of marriage records, while the Circuit Court and the Superior Court clerk offices are responsible for divorce records.

To obtain a Bartholomew County marriage certificate:

  • Contact the County Clerk's Office through phone calls, faxes, or in-person visits.
  • Log in to the Indiana Marriage License Public Lookup portal for records from 1993 to the present. However, some Bartholomew marriage certificates within this period may not be available online.

To obtain a copy of Bartholomew County's divorce record, record seekers may need to contact the county's Circuit Court or Superior Courts Clerk's Office. Also, Bartholomew County marriage and divorce records are available through a designated third-party vendor. Log in to the Bartholomew County Vital Records page, scroll down, and click the link to the third-party page to order copies of marriage or divorce certificates.

Bartholomew Birth and Death Records

Bartholomew County birth and death records are official documentation of the birth and death of persons within Bartholomew County. Per Indiana laws, birth and death records are confidential documents, and their access is restricted to specific individuals. However, there may be limited access to Bartholomew County birth or death records. Also, Indiana laws permit public access to birth and death records 75 years from the day of birth and 50 years from the death of the owners of the records.

Bartholomew County birth certificates and death records document life-changing events. They are also acceptable proof of identity and essential for public health research, health policy formation, and demographic analysis.

To access Bartholomew County birth and death records:

  • Log in to the Bartholomew County Health Department website, scroll down, and click Vital Records
  • To order birth or death certificates online, scroll down and click the link to the designated third-party vendor's link
  • On the resulting page, choose the certificate of choice, select Indiana, and provide other information to complete the ordering process.

To request a Bartholomew birth certificate or death decree offline, download a birth or death certificate application from the Bartholomew County Vital Records page, fill it out, include a check/money order to cover the access fees, and mail it to:

Bartholomew County Health Department
440 Third St., Suite 303
Columbus, IN 47201-6798.

It costs $10.00 to order a regular-sized plastic sleeve Bartholomew birth certificate and $8.00 for a certified death certificate by mail. Also, requesters must be direct family members or show proof of direct tangible interest to access Bartholomew County death records.

Bartholomew County Probate Court Records

Bartholomew County probate records are documents, files, and information relating to the administration of a deceased person's estate within Bartholomew County. Probate court records encompass documents on guardianship, wills, conservatorship, estate administration, trusts, and assets Inventory.

The Circuit Court and the Superior Courts handle probate cases in Bartholomew County. To obtain Bartholomew County probate court records, contact the Bartholomew County Circuit Court clerk offices or the Superior Courts through phone calls, mail, or in-person visits to the Bartholomew County courthouse. Also, Bartholomew County probate court records are available through the Indiana Judicial Branch's Mycase Odyssey Courts search portal. Log in and search for records by name or case number.

Bartholomew County Property Records

Bartholomew County property records are official documents and information on real estate within Bartholomew County. Property records encompass information such as:

  • Property Ownership
  • Parcel Number
  • Plat Maps
  • Zoning
  • Liens and Encumbrances
  • Property Assessment
  • Sales History
  • Property Mortgage
  • Tax History.

The Bartholomew County Recorder Office is responsible for the county's property records. To obtain Bartholomew County property records:

  • Visit the Bartholomew County Recorder website
  • Navigate to the Record Search page, and click the doxpop icon to access the search page
  • Navigate to the Bartholomew County doxpop page and search for property documents and tax warrants.

For assistance to access Bartholomew County property records, call, fax, or visit the Bartholomew County Recorder Office from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays at:

440 Third Street, Columbus
Indiana 47201
Phone: (812) 379-1520
Fax: (812) 379-5440

Also, Bartholomew County property records are available through the Bartholomew County Assessor's Office. Log in to the assessor's website, click Real Property, scroll down, and download a Bartholomew County Geographical Information System (GIS) app to search and view property information.

Bartholomew County Court Records Online

Third-party online resources like are useful tools for accessing Bartholomew County court records. They are convenient, efficient, cost-effective, and time-saving ways of accessing Bartholomew County court records. Also, using third-party online to search for records eliminates the need for in-person visits to the records custodian. However, there are some limitations to third-party online resources as search tools. Some third-party online database documents or information may not be accurate or up-to-date.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!