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Lawrence County Arrest Records

Lawrence County, Indiana, arrest records are documents relating to the apprehending and detention of offenders by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s DepartmentIndiana State Police (ISP), and other law enforcement agencies within the county. Title 35, Article 33 of the Indiana Codes empowers law officers to effect arrests if evidence shows that suspects committed felonies, misdemeanors, domestic violence, or other arrestable offenses. Also, law officers can effect arrests if the courts issue arrest warrants. Lawrence County law enforcement agencies create records as evidence of arrests; these documents become part of Lawrence County court records if they become part of court processes. In Lawrence County, law enforcement may detain arrestees at Lawrence County Jail.

Are Arrest Records Public in Lawrence County?

Yes, Lawrence County arrest records are public. According to the Indiana Code § 5-14-3 (Indiana Access to Public Records Act), all information regarding the government and the official acts of public employees should be available for viewing and copying by the interested public at reasonable times and costs (this includes Lawrence County arrest records). However, notwithstanding the broad access, not all Lawrence County arrest records are disclosable under the Indiana Access to Public Records Act. For instance, information seekers cannot access Lawrence County arrest information relating to:

  • Juvenile arrestees
  • Active law enforcement investigations
  • Sealed or expunged cases
  • Victim or witness information
  • Sensitive information such as medical history, Social Security Numbers
  • Intra-agency or interagency advisory or deliberative materials
  • Public security and safety.

Access to exempted arrest information in Lawrence County and other parts of Indiana is limited to the subjects of the records and legally authorized entities.

Individuals seeking Lawrence County arrest records should do so through the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department at:

Lawrence County Sheriff's Department
1420 I Street
Bedford, IN 47421
Phone: (812) 275-3316
Fax: (812) 277-2007

Lawrence County Arrest Statistics

According to the FBI arrest reports, there were over 3,000 arrest incidents within Lawrence County between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2023. During this period, 1,913 male and 867 female arrestees were arrested for various offenses. Also, drug violations were the most prevalent arrest incidents within Lawrence County during the period under view; it accounted for over 36.5% of arrests within the county. The tables below show how arrest incidents vary within Lawrence County between 2020 and 2023.

Year Number of Arrests
2023 621
2022 745
2021 456
2020 1,260
Offense Number of Arrests
Drug/Narcotic Violations 1,125
DUI 204
Simple Assault 197
Larceny 162
Liquor Law Violations 54
Disorderly Conducts 46
Sex-related Offenses 46
Aggravated Assault 45
Burglary 35
Drunkenness 34
Motor Vehicle Theft 21
Weapon Law Violations 19
Destruction of Property 17
All Other Offenses 1,086

Find Lawrence County Arrest Records

Public members seeking access to Lawrence County arrest records should make official requests through the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department or call the Lawrence County Jail at (812) 277-2014. Alternatively, Lawrence County arrest records may be accessible as part of Lawrence County court records through the Indiana Courts MyCase Search Portal. Also, arrest information for Lawrence County arrestees serving sentences at Indiana State correctional facilities may be accessible by names or DOC numbers through the Indiana Department of Correction Incarcerated Search Portal.

Lawrence County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Criminal and arrest records play crucial roles in criminal investigations. However, Lawrence County arrests and criminal records are distinct documents that contain differing information and have different legal implications and impacts on their owners.

Arrest records

Arrest records are law enforcement documents (they provide details of arrests, including names of arrestees, charges, processing information, and conditions for release). Lawrence County arrest records do not confirm guilt or innocence; the courts may seal or remove them if their owners are guilty of offenses.

Criminal records

Lawrence County criminal records contain comprehensive details of criminal acts and their trials within the Lawrence County Circuit and Superior Courts. These documents comprise Lawrence County arrest records and other documents relating to trials, convictions, and incarceration of convicts under the Lawrence County criminal justice system.

A Lawrence County arrest record proves the owner is legally guilty of a criminal act. However, unlike arrest records, criminal records may have negative consequences. For instance, they may affect social status, housing, and employment.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrest information may stay permanently on records if the courts do not seal or remove them. The Indiana Codes 35-38-9-1 grants owners of Lawrence County arrest records the right to petition the courts for sealing and removing arrest information if:

  • The arrest results in dismissal or acquittal, were overturned on appeal, or did not result in trials
  • The arrest records are for misdemeanors or non-violent felonies
  • The record owners complete the sentences for their offenses.

Petitioners Should also note the following waiting periods before applying for sealing or removal of Lawrence County arrest records:

  • Non-conviction arrest - one year after the arrest
  • Misdemeanor convictions - five years after fulfilling the conditions of their sentences
  • Felonies - eight years after completing the sentence for the offense (including probation) and fulfilling all court-imposed conditions.

Although sealed or expunged arrest records are inaccessible to the public, record owners should be aware that law enforcement may legally access them.

Lawrence County Arrest Warrants

Lawrence County arrest warrants are documents issued by judges of the Lawrence County Circuit and Superior Courts authorizing law enforcement to apprehend and detain suspects of arrestable offenses. In Lawrence County, law enforcement can obtain arrest warrants from the Circuit or Superior Court if they provide evidence of arrestable crimes. Also, judges may issue arrest warrants if individuals disregard court orders, violate probation, plan to flee to avoid trials for offenses, commit acts of domestic violence, or fail to appear for scheduled court hearings.

A valid Lawrence County arrest warrant contains the following information:

  • Name, aliases, and physical description of the subject/defendant
  • Charges resulting in the arrest warrant
  • Sections of Indiana Codes allegedly broken
  • An affidavit or statement of probable cause from law enforcement
  • A statement authorizing the arrest of the subject
  • Date of issuance of the warrant
  • The jurisdiction of the warrant
  • Instructions on how law enforcement should effect the arrest
  • Name and signature of the judge/magistrate.

Do Lawrence County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No, arrest warrants do not expire in Lawrence County or any part of the United States. Suppose a judge issues an arrest warrant. In that case, it remains active and enforceable until the court revokes it or resolves the case leading to the warrant, the subject dies, or law enforcement takes the wanted person into custody.

However, factors such as the statutes of limitations on underlying crimes, procedural errors, and geographical jurisdictions may affect the validity of Lawrence County arrest warrants.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!